
Jun 17, 2024 I graduated with B.A.S. in Mathematics and B.A.S. in Economics with Honors. I received University Distinction and the Anna Laura Myers Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis with my work on “CATE Estimation with Imbalanced Covariates.”
Jun 14, 2024 I’m elected to be a member of Phi Beta Kappa (top 10% of Stanford).
Sep 27, 2023 I’m officially starting my coterminal studies (master’s) in Computer Science at Stanford!
Jun 27, 2023 I’m working with Yunzhi Zhang, Shangzhe Wu, and Prof. Jiajun Wu on a research project learning generative 3D scene layouts from a single image through CURIS. Our paper has been accepted to the First Workshop on “AI for 3D Generation” (AI3DG) at CVPR 2024!
Jun 27, 2022 I’m working with Chenlin Meng and Prof. Stefano Ermon on a research project using CNN and spatial-temporal embedding for predicting smoke PM2.5 through CURIS.